Purpose: The President’s Strategy Team 2030 is charged with identifying and recommending key strategic opportunities for Duke as we recover from the severe disruptions of COVID-19. The University faces unprecedented financial challenges that must be navigated thoughtfully and with firm resolve, both to secure for the future the resources needed to carry out our core academic missions and to capitalize on Duke’s historic agility and innovative spirit to secure a true leadership role in defining higher education for the 21st century.
Charge: To this end, the President’s Strategy Team 2030 will seek to develop informed responses to the following questions:
• What are the most central areas of activity for Duke, across our schools and programs, that warrant high priority for financial and other resources?
• What areas of activity for Duke, across our schools and programs, presently consume resources that might more profitably be directed to other, more compelling activities?
• What are the novel areas of activity for Duke that stand to bring highest distinction in line with our missions, and which consequently warrant high priority for financial and other resources?
In developing its responses, the Strategy Team should be guided by the following assumptions and general principles:
• Considerations and recommendations should be closely aligned with Duke’s overarching strategic framework, Toward our Second Century.
• Recommendations should assume that the university’s financial resources will be severely restricted,
and that school and unit operating budgets will be reduced by up to 25%, with approximately half of that reduction coming from central administrative functions.
• Recommendations should be grounded in a recognition of the centrality of Duke’s regular-rank faculty to the academic mission, and our ongoing commitments to diversity and inclusion.
Membership: The Strategy Coordinating Team will be appointed by the President and include the Provost, Executive Vice President, Chancellor for Health Affairs, Deans of the Schools, and Chair of the Academic Council, and will constitute any working groups as necessary and consult with a broad range of university stakeholders, including critically members of the President’s Cabinet, University Priorities Committee, and Academic Programs Committee, in conducting its work.
Schedule: A preliminary report is due to the President on or before September 1, 2020 with a final report due on by December 31, 2020.