Vincent E. Price is the 10th President of Duke University and a leading global expert on public opinion, social influence, and political communication.
Celebrating Duke's Founders
September 18, 2020
Celebrating Duke's Founders Dear Colleagues and Friends, Each fall, our academic community celebrates Founders’ Day, marking the generosity of the Duke family in supporting Trinity
Looking Ahead to the Fall Semester
August 17, 2020
To the Duke Community,On Thursday, before the empty pews of Duke Chapel, I joined incoming undergraduate students for our first-ever remote convocation, a reminder that the
Happy Last Day of Classes
April 22, 2020
Happy Last Day of Classes Dear Students, Even on this strangest LDOC in Duke history, some things remain the same. Today is still a day
Marking the Moment: Duke 2020
April 13, 2020
Marking the Moment: Duke Class of 2020 Dear Duke Students, As our amazing Class of 2020 nears the completion of their Duke programs, they will
Looking Ahead to Tomorrow
March 22, 2020
Looking Ahead to Tomorrow To the Duke Community, Tomorrow morning, we will begin in earnest what may be the greatest experiment in our university’s history: