As we look ahead to our second century, our strategic vision is an invitation for all of us—faculty, students, staff, alumni, and friends of the university—to think together about our turn to the future, about how we can remain true to the Duke we have always been while charting our course toward the Duke we are destined to become.

Racial Equity at Duke

We are committed today and throughout the future of Duke to addressing systemic racism on our campus and setting an example for our nation and the world.  I believe that at Duke we have both the opportunity and responsibility to produce real and lasting change in our community and beyond. 

About President Price

Vincent Price is the 10th President of Duke University, where he is also Walter Hines Page Professor of Public Policy and Political Science in the Sanford School of Public Policy and Trinity College of Arts and Sciences.

A leading global expert on public opinion, social influence, and political communication, President Price came to Duke in 2017. Since arriving on campus, he has turned his attention to the future of the university, developing a strategic vision focused on five core principles: empowering people, transforming education, building community, forging partnerships, and engaging a global network. President Price has also overseen a series of major reform efforts at Duke, including initiatives to study the legacy of the university’s history, support the continued development of Duke arts and culture, update university facilities for the next generation of students and faculty, and reorganize the governance structure of the Board of Trustees.

The Latest News from the President


Office of the President
Duke University

207 Allen Building
Box 90001
Durham, NC 27708-0001 (link sends e-mail)
phone: 919-684-2424 | fax: 919-684-3050

Administrative Office Hours: Mon. – Fri., 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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